Tech content creator
Sandra Vogel
Sandra is our chief tech content creator and has been an in-demand tech journalist since 2000.
At The Crowd Sandra works directly with clients on content production. Always looking for a great turn of phrase and a snappy subhead, from DevOps to the latest in AI, she can get unduly excited when a good idea strikes.
Sandra trained as a librarian, became a research fellow in information science, then went to work in the charity sector. After a stint as head of information at Shelter she gave freelance tech writing a go. 25 years on, Sandra has written books, worked for national newspapers, the BBC and more. Happy reviewing a laptop or phone, digging into an aspect of technology for the likes of ZDNet, IT Pro, the Institute of Chartered Accountants of England and Wales, Which? and Computing, she also supports a number of tech companies with their written communications. There’s never a dull moment!
“Great content is crafted with care and diligence. Finding the right voice and writing in a compelling, interesting, readable way for a particular audience or persona is a skill that takes time to hone and perfect. If you’re good at your job no two pieces are the same.”
Sandra inhabits that spot in a Venn diagram where nerd meets geek meets wonk. She loves a bit of technology to play with, is happy writing on just about every aspect of tech, enjoys a good old chinwag about tech policy, and has fun constructing research and writing up the findings. Happy working solo and also with dependable, smart, creative types, she has been collaborating with all of us at The Crowd since 2017.
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