Our causes

Our pro bono client

Charity begins at home they say, while few would argue career security begins with an education. But in our humble opinion, access to a great education in the UK is sadly not just about how hard you try but also dependent on your postcode and your wallet.

So we are delighted to be supporting The Tutors Trust, an education charity based in the North of England. The charity works with 128 primary schools and 107 secondary schools in the region providing individual and small group tuition to children in Maths English and Science. Each year The Tutor Trust makes a meaningful difference to thousands of young lives helping to close the attainment gap.

The account is run by Sam on strategy, Chanda on PR, Anthony on content and Elliot on social media.

Our donations

We’re very lucky to have established careers that afford us and our beloveds all the security and comfort we could want. Each year we donate around 1% of our profits to our favourite charities.

Charities we have supported over the years include: Battersea Dogs & Cats HomeCentrepoint, Dogs Trust, IFAWShelterStreet Paws and The Trussell Trust.

Our time

When you work for yourself you can choose how you spend your time. So it seems only right to spend a bit of it helping others. Here are some causes close to our hearts.rts:

Elliot – Working towards human rights for everybody

While still in the sixth form Elliot became a volunteer tutor with TeamUp, and also volunteered with Shelter from the Storm.

The last four years saw him complete a Philosophy MA at the University of St Andrews. Here he volunteered as a researcher for Maternal Health Initiative and in administration for Hammersmith and Fulham Food Bank. In his final year he wrote and directed the University’s best selling student play, raising over £2,000 for Glasgow youth-based groups.

Now completing an MSc in Gender and Human Rights at the LSE, Elliot also works as a volunteer at the English Collective of Prostitutes, running the student outreach programme to ensure more hardship funds and better professional confidentiality policies are available for student sex-workers. Alongside this, he works as a member of the Independent Monitoring Board in Wormwood Scrubs Prison, addressing humanitarian issues faced by inmates.

Lauren – Caring for people with special needsour causes: Lauren

Lauren volunteers in Hertfordshire council’s shared care scheme, giving support to families with children and young people who have learning or physical disabilities.

The volunteers are there to give the families and carers some extra time to recharge their batteries. Lauren finds volunteering very rewarding and fulfilling, knowing she’s making a genuine difference in the lives of a local family.

Sandra – Providing free music tuition for young people

Sandra is a trustee of the Merton Music Foundation, a music education charity. The charity gives young people access to a wide range of different instruments and top quality tutors.

Having been lucky enough to have had music lessons at school, Sandra reaped the benefits as an adult. She now plays saxophone in various ensembles, so knows first-hand how enriching music can be.