Head of PR
Chanda Shingadia
Chanda is Head of PR and account lead. Unlike many PRs, she still loves the thrill of the chase and has been a hardcore pitcher since 2004.
At The Crowd, Chanda is responsible for the success of several of our PR-led client accounts. She is also well known for her extensive network of press and analyst contacts in the UK and US.
“Having led accounts in all stages of their evolution, I’ve developed a good insight into what works for clients and how to achieve the maximum exposure for them. My clients can benefit from my extensive industry network and quickly see the impact of hard-working PR.”
Chanda has been on the agency side for her entire career, working at digital marketing agency Metia and then Articulate Communications before joining The Crowd. She has proactively managed global public and analyst relations programmes for a wide range of start-ups, scale-ups and leading global players in the financial services and technology sectors. Chanda has obtained consistent national, business and trade press exposure for a range of clients, including Capco, DTCC, Etrali Trading Solutions (formally Orange), FactSet, Liquidnet, Mambu, Microsoft, Royal Bank of Scotland, Santander InnoVentures and Sapient Global Markets.
Based in London, Chanda has been with The Crowd since 2019 but has known many of the team for over a decade! When not on the phone pitching Chanda is a mum, avid traveller and keen cook.
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